Penny Smith

Penny Smith

Metabolic Coordinator

Penny’s health journey began 10 years ago as she searched for answers to her own health issues. Like many of you out there she ran into brick wall after brick wall with doctors telling her they did not know what was wrong. Desperate for answers, she turned to alternative methods and found F8 Well Centers where she began care as a patient. This is where Dr. Galyardt and her Metabolic Coordinator helped her address the root cause of her health problems and she reclaimed her health. Being a patient at F8 was a life changing experience for Penny. Seeing the difference that Functional Medicine made in her life she decided to go back to school so she could also help others feel better. This enabled her to make the career change she had wanted to for years and move into a job that allowed her to make a difference in people’s lives.

Penny is a certified NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner) and a CAHNS (Certified Autoimmune Holistic Nutritionist Specialist).  She believes in a whole body approach to health and works with her patients on the foundations of blood sugar regulation, nutrition, essential fatty acids, hydration, mineral intake, sleep, stress management, and movement. Not only does she teach these foundations, but she lives them as she truly believes in the difference it can make. She is married with 3 boys who are 25, 22, and 3. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her family and traveling whenever possible. She also spends time taking continuing education courses so that she can continue learning and being the best she can for herself, her family, and her patients.

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