Functional Medicine for Hashimoto’s

What is Hashimoto’s?

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition that results when the immune system attacks the thyroid tissues. In this situation, the immune system mistakes thyroid cells for unfamiliar invaders and launches an inflammatory response directed to destroy pathogens.

Over time, this destruction results in progressive hypothyroidism, or low thyroid activity. Although thyroid antibodies are often untested in those exhibiting hypothyroid symptoms, researchers suspect approximately 90% of low thyroid sufferers have autoimmune thyroiditis, most of whom are women. This is an important statistic because effective treatment for autoimmunity is vastly different than the standard protocol for low thyroid. For the millions of people suffering from autoimmune-induced low thyroid that are being treated with thyroid replacement therapy, alone, a degenerative disease is manifesting under the surface that will eventually cause debilitating and far-reaching symptoms.

Although Hashimoto’s is widely agreed upon in conventional and functional medicine circles to be the number one cause of low thyroid, most patients are not thoroughly tested for this condition. In addition, this condition can lay dormant or produce very few symptoms for years as the disease slowly progresses. Because low thyroid symptoms are easily mistaken for other conditions, this disease is often overlooked, and patients are either misdiagnosed or told that it is all in their head and to go home.

How serious is Hashimoto’s disease?

Thyroid function is complex and involves a relationship between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and thyroid glands. However, adrenal glands and other systems throughout the body play a role in a healthy thyroid. The best way to identify the root cause of your thyroid imbalance is with proper testing. The problem with conventional approaches to thyroid, is in large part, the lack of essential testing. Most practitioners only test biproducts of the pituitary and thyroid glands. However, that approach does not consider countless other indicators of a damaged thyroid hormone process. Additionally, autoimmune testing is required to identify Hashimoto’s. From there, the correct diagnostics can point the doctor and patient to the root causes of their symptoms, so we can correct the problem at the source instead of unsuccessfully trying to manage symptoms.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hashimoto’s Disease

What are the symptoms of Hashimoto’s? 

Can Hashimoto’s Disease be Cured?

20 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of thyroid disease each year. With these alarming rates of thyroid diagnosis it’s clear that millions of people are being mismanaged in their thyroid care every year and many are misdiagnosed as having thyroid disease when it is truly a much deeper issue. The functional medicine approach to treatment looks for the underlying imbalances and root cause to find what systems are out of balance then treats the cause rather than masking the symptoms with thyroid medication.

Hashimoto’s Disease Treatment Options

“What is the best treatment for Hashimoto’s Disease?”

Hashimoto’s disease treatment options depend on the severity of the symptoms. Standard treatment is typically a daily thyroid hormone replacement medication however, there is the option of implementing lifestyle changes, supplements, and alternative medicine treatments to consider as well.


Hashimoto’s disease treatment often includes a synthetic, or man made, form of the thyroid hormone called levothyroxine. This medication helps to restore the normal function of the thyroid. You’ll need to take it every day for the rest of your life. Your providers will help you figure out how to get to the correct dosage. 


Along with taking your medication, you can implement some lifestyle changes that may help you prevent other medical conditions, reduce stress, lose or maintain weight, and feel your best.

Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is recommended for those diagnosed with Hashimoto’s.  


Regular exercise improves general health, and it can also help relieve Hashimoto’s symptoms like fatigue, lack of energy, sleep problems, low mood, and sluggish metabolism.


Before implementing supplements into your healthcare routine, make sure you’re getting the nutrition levels your body needs to function properly. A proper diet along with getting adequate nutrient levels can help manage your hashimoto’s symptoms. 

If you are taking supplements, be careful to pay attention to supplements that claim to support thyroid function such as kelp, bovine thyroid extracts, and herbal preparations, as these can have an effect on how well your medication will work.

Probiotics are found in food and supplements and contain a good type of bacteria that can help balance the digestive system and give a boost to the immune system. 

Holistic Practices

Alternative medicine practices should never be used as the only means to treat Hashimoto’s, but it can be used in conjunction with your medication to help relieve symptoms. 

Holistic treatments address the root cause of an overactive immune system. Alternative medicine practitioners will determine the health of your gastrointestinal tract, liver, and adrenal glands; as well as the quality of your current diet and how it may contribute to nutrient deficiencies, blood sugar imbalance, and stress on the body. Through additional tests, the current function of your thyroid can be determined, as well as what may be at the root cause. 

How F8 Helps with Hashimoto’s Disease Treatment

F8’s functional medicine approach looks deeper than just checking TSH and T3. We will run a full 7 blood markers, as well as antibodies, and test all systems in the body to see what other systems may be out of balance. 

We also check the electrical function of the brain to discover whether your issues may be deeper than just the body. If you are ready to find answers to these frustrating thyroid issues F8 can dig deeper and find the root cause.

Disclaimer: Seek professional medical advice if you think you have Hashimoto’s 

It’s important that you talk to your healthcare provider if you’re using or considering using alternative solutions or supplements.

Some methods interfere with the effectiveness of treatment. Your healthcare provider can help you navigate treatment and answer questions you may have about your Hashimoto’s disease treatment. 

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